Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back on the Grind

Well, I have made it through another holiday season. Thank You Jesus.

I am back at the JOB... Not much new in the mix. I am ready to get back to class...

I still have not written down my new years resolutions. I guess that's a bad sign.

My major one, was to end and no longer participate in casual relationships. I am going to miss that. Even thought I know they are no good, and ensure a quick and strait path to hell.. And broken hearts...

I had a couple of hang outs over the holidays that were pretty nice, they were actually better than usual, which will make saying good bye to it even more difficult.

Hopefully leaving these things alone, will lead to more serious opportunities for actual love.
At least that is what I am going to tell myself.

And maybe I wont fell so ashamed at church, and single Sunday school.. =0 )

Sometimes my mind tells my spirit that my life sucks... Or maybe its the other way around. And sometimes I believe it.

But in all actuality its not really true. I think...

well.. I guess I will close out for now, I need to get back to work..

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