Thursday, January 12, 2006

Nothing Much


It is the end of the week for me at work. I am doing ok today, looking forward to going home. I have been pretty busy this morning so it has helped the day pass.

I just found out this morning that my Electric bill is like 450.00 dollars for the month. That is total BULL SHIT....

I hate TXU; they are so full of shit. There is no way my bill should be that high. I only have a single level 3 bedroom house. It’s outlandish. My bill has never been that high, it’s just crazy.

I really need to change to another company, this is just crazy, but it still takes months to switch over.

I am going to have to get a second job, just to pay for the electric bill. This shit sucks...


Not a lot on the plate for this weekend, I need to get back in school mode for next week. I need to get prepared and refresh my supplies.

A couple of my friends wanted to have dinner or something tomorrow night so I guess I will be doing that if we can all agree on something.

Oh and I work at the hospital tomorrow, I am going to be in a place with little action, so I may take a MCAT book with me to read up on some things.

We are actually not supposed to bring reading material, but the place where I am going to work is quite 97% of the time, so I don’t think I will get in trouble. At least I hope not.

Well I guess I will be getting ready to go heat up my lunch, that I am not that excited about today. I also did not bring a fork so this is going to be interesting...

Later Dayz

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